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This feature added with version 1.2.0 and only available with Shiny (not Rstudio’s viewer).

Following code is minimal example to try this feature.

ui <- function() {
    useShinyjs(), #1
    ShinyCyJSOutput(outputId = "cy"),
    actionButton('download', 'download') #2

server <- function(input, output, session) {
  obj <- shinyCyJS(
  output$cy <- renderShinyCyJS(obj)
  observeEvent(input$download, { #3

shinyApp(ui, server)
Download in shiny application example
Download in shiny application example

To utilize getPNG() you should follow 3 main steps.

  1. useShinyjs() must be included in UI, this will allow to run javascript code of shinyCyJS in Shiny application.
  2. build actionButton in UI, however it doesn’t need to name as download.
  3. getPNG() should be called in server with observeEvent or eventReactive or any other reactive function with 2’s button. Also, getPNG() doesn’t require any argument. It will download the image with default name cy.png.